Hi. I’m Jake, a USA Cycling-certified Level 3 coach and a NICA-certified Level 2 coach. I’ve raced bikes (mountain and road) and feet (trail and road) for years, and I have four sons who do the same. We’ve come in dead last more than once, stood on many podiums, and even won some state championships.
My focus is helping young cyclists build character through mountain bike racing, whether for fun or results (or for both–that IS possible!).
I believe that being fast is a choice, and I believe in hard work. I’m happy to work with you to help you achieve your goals; and of course, if you need greater services than I can provide, I’m happy to make a referral to someone who can help you achieve your potential.
You can learn more about me at my personal site, jacobcrockett.com, and you can reach me at me@highlinemtb.com.
Thanks for stopping by.