Recommended Training Plans

There are three general methods to organizing your training:

  • Do it yourself (great if you have the knowledge and dedication)
  • Hire someone else to do it (great if you have the resources and dedication)
  • Use a program or training plan (a happy medium)

I’ve done all three approaches–I worked with a professional coach for many years who helped me reach my potential, and I’ve spent several seasons as a self-coached athlete (with sometimes poor results and other times all-time personal bests).

I currently do a mix of self-directed training and TrainerRoad for my structured training. If you’re so inclined, TrainerRoad (or Zwift, Rouvy, etc.) can help you get great results while providing great flexibility.

If you’re looking for something more simple, you might consider a plan by a coach like Lynda Wallenfells, a Utah-based coach (and one of the coaches for Dixie High MTB). For the off-season, I think her:

If you want something more personalized, more intensive, etc., or if you have questions about what might be best for you, please contact me–I’m more than happy to help.